Wills, Probate & Estates
Let our experience be your guide
Your Will allows you to decide how your money, property and possessions are distributed after your death in accordance with your wishes.
Careful drafting will consider all your circumstances; perhaps business or farming interests, assets in another jurisdiction, the need to provide for a vulnerable beneficiary or second families, Trusts to protect capital over generations and help reduce exposure to Inheritance Tax.
A simple Estate may require only the collation of financial details and making an application to the Court for a Grant of representation resulting in a straightforward distribution of the net assets.
In more complex matters where Inheritance Tax is payable, more detailed investigation and preparation will be necessary and following the Grant, the Tax will need to be settled in full and clearance obtained from HMRC, assets called in and other debts settled, specific bequests paid, Income and Capital Gains returned, Accounts and final distribution of the residue delivered and the possibility of Deeds of Variation considered to redirect capital or other assets outside the scope of the original Will if appropriate.
Our expertise will ensure that the terms of your Will are carried out through our probate department who will deal with all areas of administration on behalf of the Executor or personal representative.
Talk to us today on 01244 544477